September News 2023

Greetings Friends of Lost and Found Lab,

We hope everyone found time to relax and be creative this summer.  It’s hard not to feel a bit awestruck by creativity when experiencing the rhythms of artists in residence at the Lab. Suitcases roll in, the studio gets set up, concepts in development are discussed and then … artists simply get to work. And, that may include the inner work of simply sitting in an oversized comfy chair in the morning sunlight while studying the tree tops and passing bird life.  

We believe Lost and Found Lab is a home for the creative spirit.

Mamie Tinkler, The Spelunker; (Below) Studio Visit with Mamie Tinkler at the Lab. 

Behind the scenes at the Lab, we have just turned the calendar page leading us to an autumn chapter and, with that, we have begun to prepare for the artists joining us in 2024.  The studio now has a few hints of paint thanks to Mamie Tinkler (7/2023) to whom we wish continued success as she prepares for residencies in the coming year.

And, thanks to Vick Quezada (6/2023), our first sculptor at the Lab, the studio exterior has now been put to the test as a functioning work space. We appreciate learning about the aesthetics of Rasquache art thanks to Vick and look forward to hearing their stories on upcoming exhibitions and teaching adventures at Hampshire College.

And while these last bits of summer light fill the Lab, we welcome our next AIR, Martha Lewis, who will be with us in September/October (details below).  We look forward to learning more about her work and process for generating new ideas… Keep an eye on the Lab’s Instagram feed for more on Martha’s work in the weeks ahead.

Martha Willette Lewis - September Artist-in-Residence

Martha Lewis, Thinking Brane​

Martha Willette Lewis is a visual artist, curator, and radio presenter. Her work intersects science, technology, history, and human knowledge to produce handmade works which respond to site and place. Recent projects tackle such topics as quantum physics, the climate crisis, Covid and its impacts, gun violence, misogyny and the concept of memory.

Using words and images, her work manifests itself as works on paper, drawing, sculptural objects, printmaking, assemblage, light projection, sound works, and site-specific Installation, and she has several on-going collaborative projects which take her even further afield.

Martha is currently working with artist Marion Belanger (a Lost and Found Lab AIR Alum) on a new mixed media project about the climate crisis and human impact on our landscape. This nuanced project includes altered photographs, sculptural works, and lots of experimentation. 

Martha’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally including at The New Haven Museum, Modern Art Oxford, the Tricycle Gallery, London, the Decordova Museum, The Tides Institute & Museum of Art, Central Booking Gallery, Planthouse gallery, and the Pierogi Flatfiles to name a few. She was the inaugural artist-in-residence at The Yale Quantum Institute. She is host of two radio programs on WPKN: Live culture – a discussion about art-and the flux capacitor, a freewheeling music show.  More of her artwork can be seen online at and on instagram @quarantinecinegram and @marthawillettelewis

Upcoming Artist-in-Residence

Victoria Martinez
is an interdisciplinary artist who honors her Mexican-American ancestry through textile-based projects including installation, painting, and printmaking. Her work is inspired by public art, ancient sites, architecture, and the urban environment.


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June News 2023